
Choose one of Arena Hotels fabulous Pula hotels and resorts for an unforgettably relaxing Mediterranean holiday. Pula, a city on the very south of the Istrian peninsula, is a Mediterranean town on a human scale - known for its pleasant climate and exceptionally indented coastline. Pula's well-kept beaches, pebbly coves and natural rocky coast with the gentle scenery of its hinterland are entirely at disposal of its inhabitants and visitors.


The city has a Mediterranean climate characterized by mild winters and warm summers with plenty of sunshine almost two thirds of the year. A walk along the streets of Pula is a journey through the layers of its past. Pula is an enchanting place with hundreds of mystical faces that have to be unveiled.

Pula is the city of ancient myths, whose beginnings fade in the haze of history. The origin of Pula is linked to the mythical story of the Argonauts and their pursuers, who having reached the southern coast of Istria were fascinated by the beauty to such an extent that they decided to remain here and never return to their homeland.

This "town of fugitives" acquired its shape during the Roman period. The network of today's streets was defined during the time of the Roman rule. The Romans, well known as lovers of luxury, interwove the lives of Gods into their own and so brought to Pula and Istria their ars vivendi. They recognized the excellence of such an environment, so that even emperors and their families, as well as many nobles chose this area for rest and pleasure by building magnificent villas known as villae rusticae.


The history of Pula is also inscribed in the names of its streets, so that Sergijevaca Street was named after the distinguished Roman family Sergi, who probably came to Pula with the colonists during the Augustan Era (1st century BC). The present day monument known as the Triumphal Arch of the Sergi or Golden Gate, which stands at the beginning of Sergijevaca Street, was erected by Salvia Postumia Sergi in honor of the three male members of her family.

The greatest number of cultural monuments is in the heart of the old city or its vicinity, so that a walk through Pula turns into a journey though the multi-layered and eventful past of this three-thousand-year-old beauty. Many great people throughout history admired its monuments and included them in their works: Dante, Andrea Palladio, Sebastiano Serlio, Michelangelo Buonarroti.


You can start your sightseeing tour in the Roman Forum, the oldest town square, which still remains the central meeting point in town. Today there is an info-point in the Forum where you can get all the needed information and start your sightseeing tour of Pula.

This is also where the Temple of Augustus stands, magnificent temple from the 1st century, as well as the Town Hall, built on the remains of two other Roman temples. Climbing uphill along one of the paths you'll arrive to the Venetian Fortress, popularly called Kaštel. Today it houses the Historical Museum of Istria, whereas its central yard is often the venue for cultural events, performances and late night film projections.

On the opposite side of Pula's central hill is the Small Roman Theatre, whose semi-circular tiered section for the audience is partly cut into the rock of the hill. Today, plays and concerts are held here. As all great Roman cities, Pula also had its large theatre that could seat about 10,000 people.  This part of the hill offers a wonderful view of the magnificent monument, the Arena of Pula dating from the 1st century. This Roman amphitheatre, sixth largest in the world, which could once seat 25,000 spectators, is one of the best-preserved amphitheatres. In its underground areas there is an exhibition presenting olive growing and winemaking in Istria in Roman times.

Below the Roman theatre is the Archaeological Museum of Istria with a rich collection of prehistoric, classical and early Christian monuments. Close to the museum are the Twin Gates dating from the beginning of the 2nd century, easily recognized by their two arched openings. Nearby is Hercules' Gate, the oldest town gate from the mid 1st century, named after Hercules, the Roman town patron. This town gate is decorated with a coarse relief showing the head and club of Hercules at the very top of the arch.

Following the town walls and passing the well-known promenade Giardini, you arrive to the Triumphal Arch of the Sergi, popularly called the Golden Gate. This is one of the few triumphal arches privately built and not linked to the Roman imperial cult.

We have mentioned only some of the magnificent monuments of Pula, but there is much more for you to discover like Pula Film Festival and more...

Come stay at our hotels & resorts to immerse yourself in everything this magnificent region has to offer.