Istria - tra le prime 10 destinazioni in Europa 2019
Lonely Planet is one of the most popular tourist portals and travel guide publishers in the world. Every year, on the Lonely Planet web site, you can find a list of 10 of the most alluring tourist destinations in Europe, on which pages this year Istria also can be found.
Apart from good air links with other parts of Europe, Istria has also recognized for its unique natural and cultural heritage and numerous accompanying events that tourists are happy to visit. In this list, Istria was mostly found because of the great efforts of PR activities of the Istrian County Tourist Board. It is thanks to a number of news reports from the most influential world media such as National Geographic Traveler, CNN or Huffington Post, Istria is listed in the top 10 destinations of the world. This year's top 10 destinations in Europe are:
- High Tatras (Slovakia)
- Madrid (Spain)
- Arctic North Coast (Island)
- Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Bari (Italy)
- Shetland Islands (Scotland)
- Lyon (France)
- Liechtenstein
- Vevey (Switzerland)
- Istria (Croatia)